Mandatory Assessment Participation: All students are required to participate in school assessments/examinations. Senior class students who breach school discipline may have their admit cards withheld, with the matter reported to CBSE.
Assessment Guidelines for Classes I to X: Students in classes I to X will follow assessment guidelines set by CBSE.
Assessments for Class XI: Class XI students will undergo three assessments: quarterly, half-yearly, and a final examination.
Assessments for Class XII: Class XII students will have three assessments: quarterly, half-yearly, and a pre-board, among other preparatory examinations.
Unfair Means During Examinations: Students caught using unfair means during examinations will receive no marks for the subject, and no retest will be conducted.
Assessment Dates: All assessments will be held within the stipulated dates; no assessments will take place before or after these dates.
Promotion Criteria for Classes I to IX: To advance to the next class, students in classes I to IX must achieve the minimum cumulative grade/marks in all subjects as prescribed by CBSE.
Class XI Theory and Practical Pass Requirement: Class XI students must pass theory and practical examinations separately.
Final Promotion Decisions: Decisions regarding promotions are final and will not be reconsidered.

Rules & Regulations
Students are expected to be regular to school. A minimum of 75% attendance is mandatory before each assessment.
Books, copies, test copies should be brought to class as per the time-table, failing which the student may not be allowed to attend class.
Central Academy follows a policy of zero tolerance for bullying, verbal or physical abuse, dishonest practices, obscenity in terms of speech and gesturing.
Any scholar found guilty of any of the above, will face the strictest disciplinary action, which may amount to suspension OR expulsion from the School.
MOBILE PHONES & ELECTRONIC GADGETS: Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited. Surprise checks will be carried out, and disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters. Mobile phones/ electronic gadgets once confiscated will not be returned.
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: Students are discouraged to bring expensive chocolates, candies or gifts for staff and students.
MONEY: Students are discouraged to carry cash for any reason. Any cash carried should be accompanied by a diary note by the parent stating the reason.
BEHAVIOUR WHILE TRANSIT: Bullying, use of offensive/foul language, demanding unscheduled stops, harassing the school appointed helpers, etc. will not be tolerated and will call for the strictest disciplinary action. Students are also strictly forbidden to purchase any eatables from vendors around the school premises.
The students taking leave(s) must bring the Leave Performa duly filled and signed only by their parents/registered guardians stating the reason for the leave.
For more than a three-day leave, it is mandatory to get the leave sanctioned in advance, failing which the student may be issued a discipline card. However, in case of an emergency, the school may be informed on the phone or a message be sent with a known person.
The school has done its very best to create a culture and environment conducive to the growth and progress of the students, it would therefore be considered a case of gross indiscipline if any damage to the property takes place.
The guilty party will have to provide a written statement of why the person(s) indulged in defacing Central Academy – property, strict disciplinary action against the person(s) will be meted out.
LANGUAGE: Every child must try and communicate in English. Students and parents are expected to be polite and respectful in their conversation with the Principal/teacher. The school holds the right to take stern action if the student/parent is found using foul languages or indulging in defamatory activities against the school.
PARENTS: Parents are requested to work hand in hand with the school management in its endeavor, to help their children progress, paying attention to their regularity, punctuality, and discipline. Kindly look into the student’s school diary regularly and countersign any remark by the teacher or Principal.
Also kindly to attend all Parents – teacher meetings as organized. Considering that Central Academy is an Anger free Zone (Circular no. CBSE/SECY/2019-2020) parents are requested to maintain decorum while in and around the school. The use of cell phones in the school premises is strictly prohibited.
Policy for withdrawal & TC
Withdrawals and obtaining Transfer Certificate
A case for withdrawal and issue of TC of the child will be considered when the following conditions are met:
One month’s notice duly signed by the parents or a month’s fee in lieu of such notice must be given before a student can be withdrawn.
Transfer Certificate will be issued three days after receiving the application provided all dues are settled.
Grounds for Student Expulsion from School
A student can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds:
Unsatisfactory progress in academics
Detention for two successive years in the same class.
Defaulting on fee payment