Every child must have a school within the comfortable radius of his or her home with the provision of a reliable transport mechanism.
Every child has the right to quality education, as upheld by the Constitution of India and the Founders’ Vision. The education we impart at Central Academy is a fine blend of child-centric pedagogy and technology.
Every child has the right to affordable education. Central Academy is known all over the Nation for its equitable policy on fee structuring.
Irrespective of gender or caste, economic status or religion- every child has the right to attend a good school. Central Academy has set a benchmark in forty years for others to follow and imbibe.
We follow the strictest security protocol and safety drills to ensure that your child is nurtured in a safe school environment.

Over five decades ago, our Founding Fathers envisioned an institution that would serve as the cornerstone of learning and development for urban communities across India. As we reflect on our journey from inception to the present day, we aspire to honor their vision in all that we do.
Today, Central Academy stands proudly, esteemed for fostering a micro-community that:
Respects cultural diversity and unites all under a shared vision and mission.
Embraces dynamism and evolution, fostering a culture of innovation.
Nurtures a love for inquiry-based learning through student-led pedagogies.
Promotes positive communication and fosters healthy collaboration among all stakeholders.

Nature & Us (Eco-Warriors)
A plantation drive ‘Har Ghar Ek Paudha’ aiming at planting 50,000 trees across the city started with a socially responsible initiative taken by our students during the national record building event ‘Main Bhi Gandhi’. 6700 students participated in this event dressed as Mahatma Gandhi forming Map of India. Social campaigns prepare youngsters to participate in positive social messaging and cultural reconstruction.
We need to educate the young generation about environmental hazards like global warming, ozone depletion, pollution and climate change are the greatest threats to mankind. It is critical and in the strong common interest to maintain and boost tree cover to mitigate deforestation, forest degradation, safeguard biodiversity habitats, conserve energy sources and most importantly avail clean unpolluted air.
The whole campaign is our humble effort and a pledge to take care of the plant which would help in restoring ecological balance and enhance the green cover.

Social Responsibility
The institution envisages a student community that values education and is also sensitized to its social responsibilities and duties towards the nation and the world as a whole.
The school endeavors to develop strong personal qualities and robust character that would make the students the ‘flag bearers’ of a progressive nation.
To help shape its students into better individuals, the school grants great significance to Life Skills Training, Spiritual Awareness, Community Welfare and Environmental Responsibility through value driven social campaigns like simulated civic plays such as 'Nukkad Natak' addressing the Cleanliness Drive, Traffic Safety etc.